
Aviation Industry Corporation of China

中国航空工业集团有限公司(中文简称:航空工业,英文:Aviation Industry Corporation of China,Ltd.,英文缩写:AVIC),是中国国家出资设立,由国务院国资委代表国务院履行出资人职责的国有独资公司 [1]  ,是由中央管理的国有特大型企业,也是国家授权投资的机构,于2008年11月6日由原中国航空工业第一集团公司、中国航空工业第二集团公司重组整合而成立。 [2-3]

Our powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakersOur powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakersOur powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakersOur powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakersOur powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakersOur powerful home theater systems bring real cinema sound to the comforts of home by utilizing the same technology that's found in our professional theater speakers

Aviation Industry Corporation of China logo

Aviation Industry Corporation of China logo

Cloud Shadow Stealth Reconnaissance and Strike High-altitude Drone
Soar Dragon uav High-Altitude Long Endurance
Sky Wing III uav
Nighthawk Small short-range surveillance drones
Harrier Hawk II/Air Sniper unmanned aerial vehicle
Harrier Hawk III uav

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